Press Release | 12th study of Audiences- MAY 2023

MIRA, an Angolan Market Research & Business Intelligence, released the results of its 12th Audiences study.
The MIRA MEIOS study | Hearings result from a survey carried out among the population in Luanda, Benguela, Huambo and Huila, representing a universe of 9,500,000 individuals (over 15 years of age, residing in the provinces surveyed).
This is a comprehensive study, which reveals the habits of Angolans with regard to Television, Radio, Press and Internet.
The results highlight the strong connection of Angolans to Television, with 95% of those interviewed reporting watching Television regularly
In the ranking of channels usually watched, TV Zimbo comes in 1st place, followed by TPA 1 and ZAP Novelas.
TV ZIMBO is the most watched channel (47% - spontaneous references).

Fala Angola reaches 1st place as the most watched program, followed by TPA1's Telejornal.
Regarding Angolans' favorite presenter, the dispute is strong. Ernesto Bartolomeu and Salu Gonçalves occupy 1st place, closely followed by Stela de Carvalho, who returns to the Top 3 of favorite presenters.