TOTAL: 2030
Luanda - 1017
Benguela - 340
Huambo - 335
Huíla - 338
Internet Study 2024

Behavior of Angolan Internet Users
MIRA, an Angolan market research and business intelligence company, announces the results of its annual study MIRA INTERNET 2024.
The results of the MIRA INTERNET 2024 survey were obtained by applying a telephone survey to a sample of 2030 individuals, aged 15 or over, living in Luanda, Benguela, Huíla and Huambo.
This expanded sample made it possible to obtain reliable results and reveal the habits of Angolans living in the provinces of Benguela, Huambo and Huíla with regard to radio listening.
The survey took place during the month of March 2024, and the results obtained were treated statistically in accordance with international standards that must be met to obtain valid information.